It is bitterly cold outside, which means that much of our time has been huddled under blankets with lots of wonderful books (the exception being those textbooks and notecards that make it in from time to time).
One of my Christmas presents that quickly became an all time favorite.

Finding a routine in the winter is a big challenge for me. I have high hopes of cooking a lot, having friends over, exercising daily (ha), tackling projects around the house, etc., but we have already reached the end of january and what have I accomplished?.....please refer to sentence #1 of this post.
We did make it outside today for a long walk around Hyattsville. We still love meeting new neighbors and this most frequently happens when we are out for a stroll. I have also found that these are the times when we talk about the future and all of the small things that we look forward to.
Today's topics: Bees, Chickens, Garden, Missoula, and Graduating
p.s. I am going to post pics of our latest projects soon, but here is a glimpse of my favorite space.