After lots of reflection and recent conversations with dear friends, I have realized how much crap I put inside of myself everyday. Now, I'm not fessing up to eating fast food everday or anything quite so American, but I have my fair share of indulgences that aren't exactly doing much for my brain, heart, muscles, etc.
Some of the things I am not so proud of:
- Diet Coke (I don't need the caffeine after my two delicious cups of coffee every morning and it is loaded with artificial sweetener)
- Ice Cream (in moderation fine, but I'm talking milkshakes that take up half gallons at a time)
- Salt! (sad but true that this is one of my staples)
- Peanut Butter (I have a weakness for peanuts and peanut butter, I don't know if it's the saltiness or what, but I can go through a jar faster than I will admit)
- Frozen Lasagna (sad but true, it's so easy and so delicious)
So Adam and I have made an unofficial commitment to eating more "Real Food" (thanks Dr. Axe) and eating less of the processed, hormone enriched, artificial junk that is so easy to grab off the shelf of Giant. Part of this starts with a comittment to taking time to actually make dinner even when I am tired after class. Part of it starts a mile down the street at Glut, our local food co-op, which provides local produce, grains, etc. for us to enjoy. And part of it starts in the soil outside of the backdoor where we are growing lettuce, peas, herbs, patatoes, etc.
Here's to an invigorating adventure!
To end on a delicious note... here are some of the yummy things that will be filling our bellies with on a more regular basis:)

Are you drooling yet?...